Digital Banking Portal

Showcasing how you can reach out to your partners across the globe.

What Does This Portal Offer?

  • Explains how you can use our account management and payment services to create added value for your business.
  • Offers well-documented API products as the interface to these services.
  • Demonstrates how you can easily consume these API products to safely connect your apps to ours.

Furthermore, to effectively support your developers:

  • Documents the technical details of our API products.
  • Provides a reference implementation of these APIs (with modern open banking security standards in place).
  • Offers a sandbox environment to give a hands-on experience on both functionality and API security.

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Account Registration

To get full access to all API products including sandbox testing, please create an account:

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Open Banking, Digital Banking and PSD2

Open banking lays the groundwork for an expanding Digital Banking ecosystem in which banks and their partners collaborate to create a seamless customer experience as it is rapidly becoming the norm.

Seamless Customer Experience

Ensure continued customer satisfaction


Effectively collaborate with partners in wider ecosytem

Publish Faster

Rapidly introduce compelling new products and services

Big Tech, Fin Tech

Create a stronger competitive position against new players

Find out more on these concepts, their significance and how they interrelate

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